Set Design

Rendering on layered wax paper in pen and marker. 

The Illusion by Tony Kushner

"This is a play about fantasy, confusion, longing and tricks of the eye. I'm inspired by where the mind goes when we don't get what we want. It's confused. It's cluttered. It tends to wander as we ponder the difference between reality and illusion. I can't wait to see where my mind takes this project."


Production photos: Luther Dylan Frank

The Seven by Will Power

"Constantly in motion, this hip-hop-opera based on The Seven of Thebes moves like a modern day concert. Drawing influence from artists like Kanye West, I created a space that was sleek, energized, etherial and able to shift with just a change in the lights."

Model made of foam and vinyl.

Electra by Sophocles

"A woman defending her grief. Expression falling on deaf ears. Electra's struggles struck me as vividly modern. Electric (if you'll pardon the pun). I dream she lives in a hot-bed society that honors glamour, fashion and celebrity over family, love and honor. She lives in a tanning bed. A tired, neon sub-atom particle of E! News, Sephora and The hair dye of a Kardashian."